2024-2025 Chapter 33 LEADERSHIP

Commander:  M.Tyrelle Felder

If you want to communicate with me, send me an email at: Commander@dav33va.org
I am always open to hearing compliments, concerns and complaints.

Senior Vice Commander:  Bill Searfass

If you want to communicate with me, send me an email at: SrVice@dav33va.org

Junior Vice Commander:  A. B. Brown

If you want to communicate with me, send me an email at: JrVice@dav33va.org

Adjutant:  Michelle Bickley

If you want to communicate with me, send me an email at: Adjutant@dav33va.org

Treasurer:  Rauzelle Smith


If you want to communicate with me, send me an email at: Treasurer@dav33va.org

Chaplain:  Jimmy Jackson


Sergeant-at-Arms:  Mark Ratigan


Judge Advocate: Lee Everton


Immediate Past Chapter Commander: Rob Reese

On behalf of the membership of Chapter 33, the Leadership welcomes you and is excited to greet you when you join us at our General Body Meetings at 10AM!  (Go to "Meetings" page for details.)